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Philology: scientific researches

Perevalov, V. P. The Source of Alexander Pushkin’s ‘Hidden Love’

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the most intriguing and frequently discussed topics in creative life of a Great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The author continues to describe grounds for and develop his own concept of understanding the nature of Alexander Pushkin’s ‘Hidden Love’ for O. Pototskaya-Naryushkina. When analyzing the primary sources in Pushkin’s creative work (finished and unfinished poems, drafts, drawings, commentary and etc.), the author bases on the results of the most recent studies of text and writings and takes into account different interpretations of this problem in Pushkin studies. It allows the author to offer a new solution of the problem. In its turn, the ‘solution’ allows to discover hidden connections between Pushin’s works at different stages of life. A crucial breakthrough in Pushkin’s anthropoesis appears to be the loss of harmony in the primary mental image of ‘Love and Freedom’. Is that an accident?


Alexander Pushkin, poesis, mental image, ‘The Kiss’, love, mystery, friendship, freedom, drawing, mirror.

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