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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N. Understanding as the Connection between a Word and an Image (From the Point of View of the Psychic Images of the Highest Order

Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of understanding visual information hidden in images of the highest order. The author bases on a previously developed model of images-integrals of different orders. Based on that model, visual (image) information is summarized disregarding the verbal information and produces more complicated formations. According to this model, images of the first order are photographic images, images of the second order are classical secondary images, images of the third order are summarized images, images f the forth order are space-like formations and, finally, images of the fifth order are non-verbal representations of moral, philosophical and mathematical concepts. The author makes a presumption that the images of the highest order are polymodal and are made up of both image and audio information. In other words, they have their own sound and this sound can be represented by rambling, parts of word and even word combinations. According to classical concepts, understanding starts when a word is linked to an image. Moreover, a true understanding occurs when imprinted firstsignaling sounds composing images of the highest order are at least partially coincide with the sound of the words defining this category.


images, psychic images, secondary images, words, internal speech, understanding, perception, consciousness, dreams, lucid dreams.

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