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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rozenova, M. I. Semantics of Perceiving Basic Personal Relations b y Modern Youth: Psychological Paradoxes

Abstract: The article presents the results of studying the perception and assessment of such relations as friendship and love by modern students. The study is based on the contrast: the author uses a number of methods allowing to discover conscious views on these terms/relations as well as methods allowing to discover unconscious, hidden models of perceiving the above mentioned relations. The results were analyzed based on different methods of mathematical statistics including factor analysis. The latter allowed to discover quite unexpected tendencies in young people’s views on friendship and love. Received data show the difference, or we’d better say, the opposition between conscious and unconscious semantic representations of friendship and love by young people. In conscious assessment, friendship is thought to be the most reliable, predictable and preferred type of relationship and hidden models reveal friendship as being a more risky and unpredictable type of relations and love as being a more reliable, desired, predictable and expected type of relationship. Summarized results were compared to the data received in previous researchers which allowed to define a number of peculiarities of formation of perception of basic personal relations by young people. The results of this research also allowed to outline topical and prospective trends in influencing and educating growing generations.


basic relations, education, understanding, unconscious, conscious, views, basic, factors, contradictions, semantics, models.

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