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International Law and International Organizations
Shaklein, V.V. (2013). Criteria and certain aspects of accepting the new UN Members. International Law and International Organizations, 2, 193–199.
Shaklein, V.V. Criteria and certain aspects of accepting the new UN Members.Abstract: The article is concerned with the criteria for the accepting the states as the new UN Members, as well as some specific features of the procedure for such accepting. The author also views the activities of the UN Security Council, including the Committee on the Admission of the New Members of the UN Security Council. It is noted that the Committee often used its power to request additional information from a candidate state. It is stated that accepting the new Member States by the UN Security Council and by the UN General Assembly without the involvement of this Committee has political character, while the activities of the Committee allow to provide legal grounds for the candidate state meeting (or not meeting) the criteria under Art. 4 of the UN Charter. It is concluded that the activities of the Committee are of importance, and its participation in the procedure of accepting new Member States to the UN is not a mere formality. Keywords: the UNO, the UN Security Council, the General Assembly, the Committee, membership criteria, the UN Charter, temporary rules, state
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1. Case Concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia-Thailand), ICJ, Rep. 1962 pp. 6, 28–9.
2. Letter dated 20 May 1946: SCOR 1st year 2nd ser p. 68 supp no. 4 annex 6(3). 3. Letter from Djamil Tutanji Pasha, Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in New York addressed to the Chairman, Committee on the Admission of New Members, SCOR 1st year 2nd ser p. 144 supp no 4 annex 7 appendix 18, undated. 4. Letter from the Chairman of the Committee on Admission of New Members to Colonel Tuk Jakova, Minister of State of the Albanian People’s Republic dated 9 August 1946 and the Reply Dated 14 August 1946: SCOR 1st yr 2nd ser supp no. 4 Appendix 7 pp. 91–2. 5. Letter from the Chairman of the Committee on Admission of New Members to the Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjorden in New York: SCOR 1st year 2nd ser p. 143 supp no 4 annex 7 appendix 18, 15 Aug 1946. 6. M.-C. Dock, Le retrait des États membres des organisations internationales de la famille des NU, Annuaire français de droit international, 1994, p. 104 7. O’Keefe ‘The Admission to the United Nations of the Ex-Soviet and Ex-Yugoslav States’, 2001, ¹ 1, Baltic Yearbook of International Law 167, 170–1. 8. Répertoire de la pratique des NU (1945–54) p. 183 53 7 Aug 1946. 9. Répertoire de la pratique des NU, I, 1955, p. 177-218 et suppl. 1, 1959, p. 81-92 10. S. Bailey, S. Daws, The Procedure of the UN Security Council, 2nd ed. ,1998, 339–44. 11. SCOR 1st year 2nd ser supp no. 4 appendix 12 Addendum pp. 124–30. 12. SCOR 1st yr 2nd ser supp no. 4 p. 76 (summary of discussion in Committee on Admission). 13. Security Council Presidential Statement, S/22911, 8 Aug 1991. 14. Pravo mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiy / Pod red. I.P. Blishchenko, A.Kh. Abashidze.-M: RUDN, 2013. S. 298. 15. Rezolyutsiya General'noy Assambley ot 1-go fevralya 1952 g. o prieme novykh chlenov, prave gosudarstv-kandidatov predstavlyat' dokazatel'stva, chto oni udovletvoryayut usloviyam, predusmotrennym v stat'e 4 Ustava. A/RES/506 (VI |