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Philosophy and Culture
Morkina, Yu. S.
Creative Situation
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 6.
P. 842-851.
Morkina, Yu. S. Creative SituationAbstract: The author of the article describes a complex dynamic structure of a creative situation and shows the relation between creative situation and learning situation. Based on a philosophical approach and the theory of complex systems and phenomenological approach, the author also offers a new description of an insight, an important element in creating and learning activities. The author describes a pre-insight state of mind and its role in the creative process. The author also shows that a creative situation includes not only an individual mind but also his social environment. More than that, existential views influence the individual and social context, too. The role of a creative situation and creation of something new are being analyzed based on the definitions of chaos and self-organization. Keywords: philosophy, creativity, knowledge, complexity, situation, insight, chaos, work, definition, meaning.
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