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Philosophy and Culture

Chesnokova, L. V. The Concept of Longing and Yearning (Sehnsucht) in German Culture

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the most important terms in German culture, the concept of longing and yearning (Sehnsucht). Special attention is paid at etymology of the concept and its interpretation in philosophy. The author describes the main features of longing: uncertain pattern, no significant reason, inability to satisfy it and connection with one’s being. The author also underlines the ambivalence of that feeling and views how that concept was reflected in German poetry and Romanticism fine arts.


philosophy, culture, cultural concept, longing and yearning (Sehnsucht), romanticism, mentality, Weltschmerz (cosmic sadness), Fernweh (crave for travel), Heinweh (homesickness), Caspar David Friedrich.

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