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Philosophy and Culture

Nikolsky, S. A. A Poet and Power (Notes on Osip and Nadezhda Mandelstam’s Views on ‘The Time of Bolsheviks’)

Abstract: Perception of the Russian country after the October Revolution is well shown in Osip Mandelstam’s poems and very well completed with the memoirs written by his wife. What role did that October play for the country? What happened to people as a result of the civil war, ‘military communism’ and collectivization? How did the Bolsheviks power and Russian intelligentsia change over the twenty years after the Revolution? Answers to these questions can be found in Mandelstam’s works. The same questions are deeply and fairy addressed by his wife in her memoirs.


philosophy, world perception, culture, power, nation, human, society, intelligentsia, life, death.

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