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Philosophy and Culture
Shichanina, Yu. V. (2013). From a Creator/Subject to a Copywriter/Moderator: Transformation of
the Authorship Phenomenon in Modern Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 776–7884.
Shichanina, Yu. V. From a Creator/Subject to a Copywriter/Moderator: Transformation of the Authorship Phenomenon in Modern CultureAbstract: The research is focused on the phenomenon of authorship and transformation of this phenomenon in modern culture as a result of appearance of a new information-based type of culture and virtual environment. These cultural changes including new textual methods and methods of text reproduction, new writing resources, electronic texts and Internet hypertexts, new reading habits and etc. allow to see the authorship in a different light. Even though this can be considered to be an author’s ‘philosophical death’, modern culture still views an author as a creator and demiurge and, at the same time, it has a tendency to deprive of personal character and erase the uniqueness and authenticity of writing as well as dependence of text on virtual mediators. Modern information civilization has changed writing resources, reading habits and the dialogue ‘author-text-reader’ which led not only to transformation of the author’s function but also to appearance of new multi-media forms of virtual self-expression and creativity. Keywords: philosophy, author, virtual world, text, hyper-text, transformation, moderator, copywriter, free-lancer, culture, world perception, society, human, development.
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