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International relations

Bunchuk, V.L. Mechanisms for the implementation of the regional policy of Russia within the framework of the evolution of federal relations

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the key mechanisms of implementation of the regional policy in the conditions of the Russian asymmetrical federal model. The substantiation of the basic provisions for the formation of regional policy was guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Treaty and a number of constitutional and federal law, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulating the relations between the federal center and the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, and defining the bases for the functioning of the municipal self-government bodies. Currently, federal special purpose programs and special economic zones are the key mechanisms for their implementation.


political science, politics, federal relations, federalism, regional policy, federal programs, special economic zones, mechanisms for the implementation, conflicts, state.

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