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International relations
Belikova, K.M.
Historical, political and legal factors of economic integration of the European and the American
states: retrospective and current situation
// International relations.
2013. ¹ 2.
P. 134-151.
Belikova, K.M. Historical, political and legal factors of economic integration of the European and the American states: retrospective and current situationAbstract: The article is devoted to the historical, political and legal factors for the economic integration of the European and American states into the unions, such as the EU, the NAFTA, and the Mercosur. The author takes a retrospective view on the ideas, prerequisites and primary landmarks of the uniting strategies on the European and American continents, analyzes the modern tendencies. Attention is paid to the interactions between the NAFTA the EU, and the Mercosur, as well as with the other results of the uniting strategy in the American continent (such as the ALADI, the ALCA, etc.). The goal of the study is to show the patterns of development of the integration processes in North America and in Europe. The author uses comparative legal method, as well as historical, dialectic methods, and specialized scientific methods. The methodology of study provides a view on the objective and subjective provisions of processes. The overview of the integration processes in Europe and American continent allows showing the patterns of state integration. Keywords: political science, comparative legal studies, integration, Europe, the American continent, the EU, the NAFTA, the Mercosur.
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