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Philosophy and Culture

Maslov, V. M. Post-Human in Mythology and Art: Specific Features and Significance

Abstract: The article demonstrates a certain stage in development of system, dialectical and synergetic views on the post-human and the theory and practice of revolutionary, major transformations of human and society. High tech solutions (biotechnologies, cyborg technologies, information technologies, virtual reality, artificial intelligence) provide an increasing number of opportunities for achieving post-human goals: the Prometheus’ line (from mythology to Russian cosmism and trans-humanism) is in the focus of modern post-human researches. Analysis of the post-human in mythology and arts, the Orpheus’ line, enriches and specifies the general interpretation of the post-human. The relative value of post-human aspects in mythology can be identified by people’s attempts. Post-human mythologies are removed by the means of art. Today’s post-humanity is mostly represented in science fiction and fantasy. The relative value of science fiction is compared to scientific knowledge about the future. Fantasy world can be viewed as the ideal form of achievement of post-human freedom and the pleasure principle. Demonstrated cultural shift from the reality principle to the pleasure principle is another significant factor creating numerous problems for the post-human future.


philosophy, futurology, Russian cosmism, trans-humanism, mythology, art, high tech, science fiction, fantasy, the pleasure principle.

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