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Philosophy and Culture
Ursul, A. D. (2013). Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon
(On the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Vernadsky). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 594–609.
Ursul, A. D. Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon (On the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Vernadsky)Abstract: The origins of scientific research globally planetary processes date back to V.I. Vernadsky, who considered scientific thought as a “planetary” (global) phenomenon. The development of modern globalistics and global studies, including an evolutionary perspective, is deployed in the light of scientific ideas, and in his writings the doctrine of the noosphere from the very beginning was formed in planetary perspective as a world noospheric globalism and in connection with this article discusses the modern transformation of the doctrine with the concept of sustainable development. The scientist predicted a fundamentally new process — the globalization of science, which is considered in the context of development and globalistics and global studies. The author of the article also discusses the status and location of global research in modern and future science. Keywords: global development, globalism, globalization of science, global issues, global processes, global studies, noosphere, evolutionary globalistics.
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