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Philosophy and Culture
Smirnova, G. E. (2013). Comparative Analysis in Socio-Cultural Area Studies. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 558–564.
Smirnova, G. E. Comparative Analysis in Socio-Cultural Area StudiesAbstract: As a method of research, comparative analysis is widely and efficiently used in all humanitarian and natural law sciences. Socio-cultural area studies is not an exception, either, because this method allows not only to definer regular patterns and particular features of a developing region but also to trace back how the same socio-cultural factors or processes are transformed under the influence of the regional specifics. The article also describes the targets of comparative studies in scientific research and inter-disciplinary grounds for socio-cultural area studies, defines the main principles and stages of comparative analysis in area studies and research. A good example of a comparative analysis method in socio-cultural area studies is the comparison of terms ‘homeland’ in Russian and English cultures of XVIII. This term takes the first place in any nation or mentality and it is one of the most important instruments of self-identification. Without reconstruction of the meaning, content and evolution of the term ‘homeland’ it would be impossible to describe the history of culture and mentality of any nation. Keywords: cultural studies, area studies, socio-cultural area studies, socio-cultural research, research methods, interdisciplinary, comparative analysis, comparative studies, methodology, teaching.
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