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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N. Probable Model of Life Duration

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes modern theories of ageing and defines the three types of theories: genetic theories saying that ageing and death are in our genes; environmental theories that make a supposition that our body is immortal and death is forced by external effects; and stochastic theories according to which our life duration is determined by random factors. It is proved that within the framework of each theory, life duration depends not only on particular factors but also on personal features of someone who organizes his life. In psychogenetics personality factors are compared to the interaction between an organism and the environment. The author of the article offers a few research trends of studying psychological factors influencing one’s individual life duration. This involves, first of all, studying personal qualities contributing to longevity. Secondly, this is the research of life path features that can actually prolong your life. And thirdly, this is the research and further use of the features of one’s internal time such as additional time and transfer to the ‘outside the hours’ stage.


psychology, psychogenetics, life duration, ageing, anti-ageing, theory of ageing, personality, internal time, personal time organization, life path.

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