National Security
Vlasyuk, G.V. (2013). Feelings and emotions as the basis for the interaction
management t echnologies. National Security, 2, 357–370. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62621
Vlasyuk, G.V. Feelings and emotions as the basis for the interaction
management t echnologies
Today a large amount of problems regarding
successful interactions constantly arises. The author analyzes
the bases of guarantees and support of interaction
(as paths of closeness), and analyzes the sensual specific
features of perception of situation, as well as the technologies,
which allow to regulate the perception of the
situation by the partner in an interaction from the standpoint
of the resource approach. It establishes an issue
on the need to understand the mechanisms of interaction
management, which is related with the emotional and
sensual sphere of living.
social studies, resources, feelings, emotions, paths of closeness, sensual connections, perception, distance, value.
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