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History magazine - researches

E.G. Istomina The role of Volzhskiy water transport basin in forming of the regional social and economical space during the second half of XIX-th and the beginning of XX-th century

Abstract: the Volzhskiy water transport basin is a paramount transport and economic system which affected the development of several branches of industry and agriculture, as well as the placement of industrial and social sites. Freight transport across Volga and its many confluents (Kama, Sura, Oka, etc.) have essentially formed an “industrial orbit” consisting of vast territories and massive human reserves, presenting perfect conditions for production of goods and development of foreign trade, as well as reinforcing and stimulating communication. The functioning of Volzhskiy water transport basin during the second half of XIXth and the beginning of XXth century has affected the economical development of the European part of Russia.


history, Volzhskiy water transport basin, Volga shipping, water transport, freight transport, transport-stimulating territories, composition of traffic, wharfs, freight transport and economic connections, railways.

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