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Trends and management
Mindlin, Y.B.
Managing the quality system
for the enterprise in the sphere
of services
// Trends and management.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 111-114.
Mindlin, Y.B. Managing the quality system for the enterprise in the sphere of servicesAbstract: Unlike the goods, the services have some specific features, which have to be taken into account. These specific features are due to the fact that the services are not material and cannot be preserved. The customer cannot see and evaluate the service before he purchases it, since the sale of service comes before its provision. That is why the choice of customer is based on trust towards the person providing services. The modern companies do not limit their business to the main sphere of activity, and they provide additional services both for the clients and for their own needs. For example, the production companies provide service support to their products, the transportation companies have their own warehouse and the electric stations start selling the electric energy. Additionally, many companies purchase exterior assets, which do not directly relate to the sphere of their basic activity. Keywords: economics, management, quality, enterprise, services, system, support, base, activity.
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