Pedagogy and education
G.A. Novichkova (2013). Erich Fromm: upbringing as a necessity
of social existence. Pedagogy and education, 1, 84–93.
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Pedagogy and education
G.A. Novichkova (2013). Erich Fromm: upbringing as a necessity
of social existence. Pedagogy and education, 1, 84–93.
G.A. Novichkova Erich Fromm: upbringing as a necessity of social existenceAbstract: Fromm was the first to examine the human being from a psychosocial standpoint. This article analyzes his concepts of healthy society and mentally healthy human being, and brings our attention to the psychosocial approach to social characterization of the individual. According to Fromm, during the democratic transformation of society, psychosocial changes that occur in the social profile of the individual should be considered along with economic, political and social changes. Fromm offers a perspective that promotes the wholeness of existence of an individual. Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogic anthropology, individual, social characteristics, healthy society, «communitarian socialism», humanism, healthy person, small groups, upbringing.
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