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Philology: scientific researches

Antonova, E. M. Revaluation of the Poetic Word. Martin Heidegger and ‘Poetic Thinking’

Abstract: The author of the given article analyzes post-war late works by Martin Heidegger in which the philosopher addressed to the concept of ‘poetic thinking’. Heidegger’s thoughts on the matter combined both the Western and Northern philosophies that reveals the mystery of human existence and being and allows to get closer to the Truth. Special method of poetic questioning is the way of return to the primary meaning. Martin Heidegger’s ideas had a great influence on his successors who continued to work on ‘restoring’ the significance of the poetic word as a philosophical category.


philology, poetry, Martin Heidegger, poetic thinking, philosophy, ontology, being, truth, phenomenology, hermeneutics.

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