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Police activity
Proletenkova S. E. (2013). Methodology of counteraction to extremism. Police activity, 2, 125–128.
Proletenkova S. E. Methodology of counteraction to extremismAbstract: the article describes the structure of administrative legal research of the religious extremism. The study of the phenomenon of the contemporary religious extremism and elaboration of the means to eliminate it conjugate with a number of challenges, which inevitably arouse problems of methodological nature for the researcher. The matter of fact of these challenges is mainly based on philosophical heritage of the past and the works of contemporary scientists, to comprehend the legal and political nature of religious extremism as a dangerous social phenomenon, find out the reasons of its appearance and its threats to national safety and perspective tendencies of counteraction (averting or parry) to religious extremism or any other type of extremism in the nearest future. Keywords: political extremism, foreign countries, law, counteraction, internal safety, methodology, religious extremism, logics, novelty, cognitive methods.
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