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Software systems and computational methods
Emaletdinova L.Yu., Katacev A.S. (2013). Fuzzy-rule-oriented cascade model of the complex object state diagnostics. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 69–81.
Emaletdinova L.Yu., Katacev A.S. Fuzzy-rule-oriented cascade model of the complex object state diagnosticsAbstract: the article emphasizes the need for a new knowledge representation model for increasing the efficiency of the expert diagnostic systems in social and technical fields of study. The authors present a fuzzy-production model, which allows the rules of the field of study to be described on a set of data of different types, represented both in clear and fuzzy scales. The authors develop a methodology of grouping the parameters, describing the object of diagnostics, to construct the cascade of parameters in accordance with the stages of the diagnostic process. The cascade of production rules is build upon the base of given model and method allowing to diagnose the state of a complex object. The authors describe the algorithm of a logical conclusion on the cascade of rules. On the solution of the medical diagnosis problem the author shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach, poses the problem of the future studies. Keywords: Software, fuzzy, model, diagnostics, knowledge, expert, system, acceptance, decision
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