Software systems and computational methods
Korobeynikov A.G., Kuvshinov S.S., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V., Kutuzov I.M. (2013). Generation of digital watermarks in image files. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 35–44. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62447
Korobeynikov A.G., Kuvshinov S.S., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V., Kutuzov I.M. Generation of digital watermarks in image files
the article presents a problem of creating digital watermarks for image files. The authors
analyze the main characteristics and requirements to the digital watermarks, introduces a mathematical model of digital watermark generation for “hard” and “soft” stegodetectors. The
article analyses the algorithm of message implementation and it proposes the application of the
described stego algorithm for solving the problem of copyright check to a specific multimedia file.
Software, digital watermarks, format methods, steganos algorithms of spatial area, steganos algorithms of the field of transformation, multimedia, media space, copyright, copyright protection, inter-format conversation
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