Philosophy and Culture
Vlasova, V. B. (2013). Russian Path from Morals to Law (Continuation). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 289–302.
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Philosophy and Culture
Vlasova, V. B. (2013). Russian Path from Morals to Law (Continuation). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 289–302.
Vlasova, V. B. Russian Path from Morals to Law (Continuation)Abstract: This is the final part of the article ‘Russian Path from Morals to Law’ published in Philosophy and Culture Journal (issue 7, 2012) and devoted to the history of Russian culture and unique features of the Russian mentality. In the second part of the article the author pays most of his attention at peculiarities of formation of legal consciousness in Russia and the objective relation between events of Russian modern history and Russian mental provisions (moral and legal provisions in the first place). In conclusion the author points out the possible drivers and ways to improve moral and legal aspects of social consciousness of Russians in the future. Keywords: philosophy, ethical orientation, mythology, religion, morals, legal consciousness, mental evolution, Russian culture, spiritual crisis, social self-consciousness.
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