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International Law and International Organizations
Nikiforov, A.A. (2013). The effect of international treaties in the sphere of environmental protection in the national law
of the North European states. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 130–140.
Nikiforov, A.A. The effect of international treaties in the sphere of environmental protection in the national law of the North European states.Abstract: The article is devoted to the means of normative implementation of international environmental obligations within the national legal systems of Norway, Finland and Sweden. The author views the influence of the international and European environmental law on the legislation of the Scandinavian states. The article includes analysis of procedural and material issues regarding implementation of the international environmental legal norms in the national legislation of the states in question. It is stated, that the formation of international cooperation within a region is rather simple even for such a sphere, as the environmental protection is. It is also noted that international legal environmental protection within the framework of the international treaties of the Scandinavian states has supranational character. The author analyzes the interaction of the European law and the international law, taking the interaction of the European environmental law and the international legal obligations of the Scandinavian states as an example. Keywords: international law, European law, national legislation, environment, implementation, ratification, international legal obligations, codification, Scandinavian states, environmental law.
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