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International Law and International Organizations

Erpyleva, N.Y., Butler, W.E. The procedure involving foreign parties in the international procedural law of Russia and Ukraine: the modern legal regulation.

Abstract: This article is devoted to one of the most interesting aspects of international civil process, that is, to the procedure in the cases involving the foreign entities. The authors concentrate on the comparative analysis of Russian and Ukrainian legislation, which regards the regulation of international procedural relations. The article includes two parts. The first part of the article is concerned with the issues of international jurisdiction of the Russian arbitration courts and the Ukrainian economic courts in the international economic disputes, while the second part of the article is concerned with the issues of recognition and compulsory implementation of the foreign judicial decisions on economic disputes in the territories of Russia and Ukraine. The authors studied the legal sources, including the national legislation and international treaties, including the multilateral treaties of regional character within the CIS, as well as the Minsk Convention on the Legal Assistance and Legal Relations on Civil, Family, and Criminal Cases in their application to the cases involving foreign parties.


international law, jurisdiction, competence, court, entities, parties, process, procedure, recognition, implementation, decision.

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