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International Law and International Organizations
Ganyushkina, E.B.
International legal aspects of the dispute between the UK and Argentina on the Falkland Islands
(the Malvinas).
// International Law and International Organizations.
2013. № 1.
P. 6-22.
Ganyushkina, E.B. International legal aspects of the dispute between the UK and Argentina on the Falkland Islands (the Malvinas).Abstract: The article is devoted to the new turn of the tension between Argentina and the UK in their fight for sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (the Malvinas). The author views the legal grounds for the territories in question for both parties, international legal aspects of the mutual accusations, as well as the possible models for the conflict resolution. The author provides the analysis, which shows the absence of new armed conflict in the nearest future. She also reflects upon the guarantees of non-use of nuclear weapons in fight over the territories in question. The author also shows the connection between the dispute over sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (the Malvinas) and the territorial claims towards other Southern Atlantic areas and part of the Antarctic Region. Keywords: international law, territorial disputes, self-determination of peoples, territorial integrity, militarization of the territory, the zone free from nuclear arms, right for a flag, the uti possidetes de jure principle, models for the conflict resolution, claims for sovereignty over the Antarctic Region.
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