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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nadykto, E. I. Understanding as a Psychological Aspect of Successive Relations

Abstract: The article describes the contents of the understanding phenomenon and its relations with the process of values succession. Analysis of scientific literature on psychology, teaching and philosophy focuses on cultural peculiarities of the West and East (the author studies both verbal and writing sources of knowledge and values). Hermeneutics, gnoseology, language studies, logic and social psychology are viewed as methodological grounds for researching different functions of the understanding process. The author defines peculiarities of the learning and understanding processes as well as factors of narrowing borders of the understanding process as the mechanism of adopting values. The author pays special attention at the analysis of consequences of a growing number of commentaries and interpretations of values and distortion of social rules, principles and standards at intrapersonal, interstate and cultural levels. The author proves that it is possible to regulate the mechanism of succession through the understanding process (socio-cultural level) and self-understanding (personal level).


psychology, society, personality, succession, values, understanding, interpretation, knowledge, self-understanding, stereotype.

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