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Philosophy and Culture

Popov, E. A. Meta-Theory of Russian Modernism: Social Situation and Art in XX Century

Abstract: Russian Modernism of XX century is a phenomenon with many layers. Traditional approach to studying Russian Modernism has created the point of view based on which Modernism is a completely new phenomenon for a Russian social situation. Resulting from changing the grounds and grounds of classical art and culture, it is completely alien to socio-cultural reality. At the same time, opposition to the classical culture and art is not the only feature of Modernism. Modernism created new cultural forms which could have become the fact of Russian culture of the first half of XX century. Creating its own meta-theory, Modernism appealed to contradictory social situation in Russia but at the same time it focused on different forms of culture. Therefore, Russian Modernism is viewed in the article not only as a system of philosophy, but also as a meta-theory combing the main features of culture in XX century.


philosophy, Modernism, values, symbols, culture, life, creativity, art, form, Avant-Garde.

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