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Philosophy and Culture
Amelchenko, S. N. (2013). Deconstruction of a Mental Code of Russian Culture in Terms of Globalization. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 171–181.
Amelchenko, S. N. Deconstruction of a Mental Code of Russian Culture in Terms of GlobalizationAbstract: Traditionally, philosophers who study Russian mentality focus on typical contradictions and ‘unsurpassable’ binarity viewed by Lotman as the source of destruction of Russian culture and by Kondakov – as the opposition which made it possible for the culture to exist till late XX. At the same time, the phenomenon considered has stable harmonious properties, too. These properties form the mental code of Russian culture. This code has become the axiological and conceptual costant of Russian culture and created the unique nature and successive development of Russian culture throughout the history. To study the code, the author suggests to use deconstruction as a research method, because it allows to reconstruct its hidden mechanism and to change its configuration according to a new historical environment. This approach, combined with the methods of structuralism and psychoanalysis, has shown that binarity was typical for the structure of the mental code only at early stage of its development. Now the mental code consists of the three elements which allows Russian culture retain its entirety as well as to keep a decent position in the multicultural in conditions of globalization. Keywords: philosophy, Russian culture, mental code, structure, function, the must mode, identity, reconstruction, destruction, deconstruction.
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