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Philosophy and Culture
Prokhorov, M. M. (2013). Connection Between Existence and History as a Principle of Philosophical Ideology. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 144–154.
Prokhorov, M. M. Connection Between Existence and History as a Principle of Philosophical IdeologyAbstract: The author of the article raises a question about renovation of philosophical ideology. It is achieved through implementation of the unity of existence and history as the foundation of the philosophical picture of the world, human and human’s attitude to the world. It is shown that being a human ability, consciousness is interpreted in the history of philosophy not only in comparison with the existence but also as a part of this or that type of human’s attitude to the world that reflects his subjective position from the point of view of contemplative, activist and co-evolutional attitude to the world. The author describes the profound meaning of the objective concept of existence and how it developed and affected human and his consciousness towards overcoming of his subjective attitude to the world. The author gives the three definitions of existence: substantial, attributive and historical. The author also proves the connection between human activity and existence/its development and explains that estrangement of human activity from the existence development may lead to an anthropological catastrophe. Keywords: philosophy, world perception, existence, history, principle, unity, substance – attribute, substance – subject, constructivism.
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