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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Stelmakh, O. D. Peculiarities of Psychological Corrective Lessons in Different Groups

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes some problems of emotional-volitional sphere faced by a preschooler. The hypothesis about development options of satisfactory child-and-parent relations at early childhood is viewed as the starting point in psychological assistance to modern families. The subject of research is changes that happen in behavior of both children and adults that appear in the process of regular and complex psychological assistance as well as diagnosed improvements in emotional-volitional sphere of children. The author describes the experience of introducing non-directive play therapy to small psychological groups at municipal and regional charity organizations in Moscow. The goals of such lessons included correction of child-and-parent relations, development of interpersonal skills of a child at early childhood as well as abilities to differentiate emotions both by children and adults, the later being the most important factor in formation of a preschooler’s self identity and a significant factor in developing happy family relations between children and their parents. The author also describes such play psychological lessons and provides a brief summary of their results in different groups and at different age from three to seven years old.


psychology, psychological correction by means of play therapy, play activity, nondirective play therapy, groups for psychological correction, emotional-volitional sphere, child-and-parent relations, preschooler, awareness, children.

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