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International relations
Gusher, A.I. (2013). The geopolitical picture of the modern world. International relations, 1, 13–21.
Gusher, A.I. The geopolitical picture of the modern worldAbstract: The modern world is characterized by the vast global variety and contradictive character of various economic, political processes, etc. So it becomes hard for many people to understand in which direction their country and the global civilization are moving, what their goals and moving forces are, what facilitates or prevents the movement, what challenges and threats may be faced by individuals, society and state in a month, a year, or several years, as opposed to the greater perspective. Such is peculiarity of our time. Now, when the information technologies rule, the horizons of image of the world in the eyes of a person are at the same time widened and unclear, so he often lacks time to comprehend and analyze the stream of information, to make the right conclusions. Keywords: international law, international relations, politics, global order, conflict, threats, stability, political forecast.
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