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Culture and Art

Kondakov, I. V. ‘New Russia’ and the Destiny of Humakind: Russian Culture in Lev Gumilev’s Conception

Abstract: The article is devoted to ethno-historical concept of the Russian culture suggested by L. Gumilev who discovered the relationship between ethnogenesis and culturegenesis in ethno-cultural history. He showed the dependence of culture on the landscape, the biosphere and the passionarity of other ethnic groups. Lev Gumilev viewed Russian culture as the Eurasian phenomenon and the frontier between sedentary and nomadic peoples, the Forest and the Steppe, the East and the West. Collapse of the USSR and the ethno-cultural crisis of former constituents of the Russian and Soviet Empires make us view Gumilev’s theory of ethnogenesis in a different light and apply its projective and predictive capabilities to modern socio-cultural realities in Russia during XXI century.


cultural research, Russian culture, cultural and civilizational identity, ethnogenesis, culturegenesis, passionarity, breakdown (collapse), Eurasian cultural knot, super-ethnos.

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