Philosophy and Culture
Gorelova, T. A.
Modernization or Social Progress?
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 69-78.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62038
Gorelova, T. A. Modernization or Social Progress?
The author of the article compares the terms ‘modernization’ and ‘social progress’ as a part of tendencies
in a modern society. The author descries the historical dynamics of these terms and analyzes sociocultural
and spiritual state of the modern Western and Russian societies. The author proves the assumption
that there is a need in social progress is the cohesive development of different elements — social, research
and technology, environmental, moral, spiritual and others.
philosophy, modernization, progress, social Darwinism, neo-liberalism, freedom, simulacrum, gift, trust, tradition.
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