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Philosophy and Culture
Zima, V. N. (2013). The Problem of Ontological Status of Time in Philosophy of Science: Analysis
of the Main Challenges. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 50–59.
Zima, V. N. The Problem of Ontological Status of Time in Philosophy of Science: Analysis of the Main ChallengesAbstract: The author of the article analyzes the main challenges and difficulties arising before researchers during discussion of the ontological status of time. The author provides a comparative description of the main approaches to the problem in Russian and foreign philosophies. It is shown that the method of solving this problem depends on the way of perceiving the reality chosen by a researcher. The author also studies arguments for objectivation of such time factors as its flow, three modes (past, present and future) and dependence on changes described in a number of works by Russian philosophers. The author defines the main tendencies in solving the problem about the status of time in foreign philosophy: denial of objectivity of time flow, interest for the ‘block time’ concept and denial of the fundamental nature of time. The author also analyzes philosophical arguments for the block time concept and studies arguments against denial the reality of time. The author also offers methodological principles aimed at proving the relevancy of using the metaphysical terms and concepts for solving the problem of status of time in philosophy of science. The author also describes the difficulties associated with the implementation of the programs creating out-of-time metaphysics suggested by H. Price as well as ways to overcome these difficulties. Keywords: philosophy, time, eternity, temporality, metaphysics, science, reality, realism, anti-realism, ontology.
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