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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

S.Y. Kashkin History, Principles, Directions of the Implementation and Perspectives of Legal Regulation EU Regional Policy

Abstract: The article discusses the history of formation of regional policy in the EU. The author proves that from the first steps of European integration the Union has paid serious attention to regional policy aimed at eliminating disparities among regions, balanced development and equal opportunities throughout the united Europe territory. Legal regulations and mechanisms of EU regional policy are considered. Special attention is paid to the key directions of the EU regional policy realization at the present stage. The role of the Council of Europe in the development of cross-border regionalism is examined. The directions of the EU regional policy development in the years 2014-2020 are shown.


European Union, regional policy, coordination of cooperation between regions, European integration, crossborder regionalism, regionalism, supranational, international organization.

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