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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

S.E. Naryshkin Inter-parliamentary Cooperation: Past, Present, Future

Abstract: The scientific article raises important questions of parliamentary development in today’s globalized world. The historical aspects of the formation of the institutional foundations of inter-parliamentary cooperation, as well as the legal framework and procedures for the formation of the parliamentary bodies of intergovernmental organizations are considered by the author. The analysis of the modern development of parliamentarism in the framework of regional integration — the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Union State of Russia and Belarus and tendencies of international parliaments development in the future are presented. Important part of scientific article deals with legal issues related to participation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation in the inter-parliamentary cooperation. The analysis of the competence and functions of parliament interstate associations is launched.


comparative law, parliaments, inter-parliament cooperation, integration unions, European Union, Eurasian Economic Community.

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