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National Security

Androsov, M.V. Legal regulation of nuclear energy as a factor for the guarantees of national security in its historical and political aspects.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of one of the factors of the guarantees of national security of the Russian Federation by the ecological and power security when using the nuclear energy. The term “security” may be understood as “negation of danger”. In the scholarly and legislative sources on nuclear energy îne may find references to various types of security, such as power security, ecological security, etc. The reason for such a variety is the difference in the criteria, which serve as the basis for the security classification. In Russia the guarantees of national security were for the long time centered on the protection of state security. It is therefore quite topical to have a Law on National Security, which would complement the existing legislative basis in this sphere. And one should take into account the concept of supremacy of environmental security, as an important factor for the harmonious economic and social development of the Russian state and society, as well as the guarantees of energy security for the sake of stability of income to the federal budget and sustainable development as a whole.


jurisprudence, nuclear energy, national security, energy security, environmental security, law, politics, history, environment, IAEA.

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