Philosophy and Culture
Apevalov, A. S.
Peculiarities of the True Historical Knowledge
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 12.
P. 44-52.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61745
Apevalov, A. S. Peculiarities of the True Historical Knowledge
The article is devoted to the problem of true historical knowledge from the point of view of different
philosophical approaches. The author defines the relations between the historical subject and object, views
the concept of relativism and relativity of historical knowledge and provides the definitions of historical
myth and mythological consciousness. Special attention is paid at he problem of truth in history. In modern
philosophy of history the definition of truth is determined by the two circumstances: the nature of historical
knowledge and cognition and significant changes in the category ‘truth’ in philosophy and methodology of
science during XX century.
philosophy, truth, history, historiosophy, cognition, myth, knowledge, term, categories, methodology.
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