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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chernov, D. N. Peculiarities of Child-and-Parent Relations When Educating Junior Preschoolers under Emigration Conditions

Abstract: Child-and-parent relations in families of Kazakhstan Germans having emigrated to Germany is viewed from the point of view of subjective activity approach taking into account socio-cultural situation of family life. The study of 60 pairs ‘mother – junior preschooler’ showed that peculiarities of the child-and-parent relations depend on the parent’s conception of the purpose and meaning of a child development in new socio-cultural conditions. In families with bi-cultural up-brining motives the parent’s relations with a child is being formed in the sort of the collective pre-subject in the atmosphere of high moral responsibility. Such a model of parenting relations can create the basis for psychological and pedagogical family assistance for the purpose of developing bi-cultural personality of a child.


psychology, child-and-parent relations, junior preschooler, collective subject, subject-activity approach, emigration situation, bio-cultural personality, socio-cultural situation of development, family, type of parenting relations.

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