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Culture and Art
Sukovataya, V. A. (2012). The Homer’s Other: Semantics of Gender
and Sexuality. Culture and Art, 6, 52–60.
Sukovataya, V. A. The Homer’s Other: Semantics of Gender and SexualityAbstract: The subject of investigation is a concept of norms, gender and sexuality in Ancient Greek society, as it was expressed in the classical myths. The purpose of research is to find out what gender stereotypes and biases were included in the ancient Greek myths and how these biases have been preserved in the modern science and the mass consciousness. As methodology were used the postmodern deconstruction and feminist critique, which can extend the opportunities of the contemporary scholar. It was done conclusion about gender specifics of Other in the ancient Greek culture, which reflect the gender hierarchy of masculinityoriented society in the texts that have received the status of classic. The results can be used in teaching courses in Cultural studies, Gender theory, Classical philology, Postmodernism. Keywords: cultural studies, Other, otherness, gender, sexuality, standardization, body, femininity, masculinity, feminist criticism, gender analysis.
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