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Culture and Art
Skorokhodova, T. G. (2012). New ‘Butt-Joint’ Culture of XIX – early
XX Centuries in Eastern Subecumism: Origin
and Contents (Based on the Example of the
Bengal Renaissance). Culture and Art, 6, 18–26.
Skorokhodova, T. G. New ‘Butt-Joint’ Culture of XIX – early XX Centuries in Eastern Subecumism: Origin and Contents (Based on the Example of the Bengal Renaissance)Abstract: The author proposes a theoretical model of origin and dynamics of new “butt-joint” culture (term by G. S. Pomerants) cultures in Eastern regions, based on an understanding of the Other as general ground of that process. Civilizationalcultural “borderland” in model is described as imperative presence of Other (Western) culture and its representatives in the space of traditional East Subecumenism. The attitude towards the Other from both sides directs process and results of interaction. New “butt-joint” culture is complex “symphonic” synthesis of civilizations, which are in dialogue. Heuristic possibilities of this model are depicted on the material of the Bengal Renaissance XIX – early XX century, which is the first regional variant of national-cultural renaissance in India. Keywords: cultural research, culture, the Other, understanding, tradition, innovation, West, East, national and cultural renaissance, the Bengal Renaissance.
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