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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Mordas, E. S. (2012). Contribution to Early History of Development of Women Suffering from Psychological
Sterility. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 55–59.
Mordas, E. S. Contribution to Early History of Development of Women Suffering from Psychological SterilityAbstract: The article is devoted to envy as a factor of dysfunctions of woman’s reproduction system including sterility. The relation between psychological sterility and envy is based on Sigmund Freud’s, Langer’s and Melani Klein’s ideas. Disturbed identification with the mother’s figure is viewed as the main factor of woman’s sterility. Based on Langer, inability to carry and to get birth to a child results from woman’s destructive fantasies about her mother or adverse and tragic events happened to her mother and herself. Being an adult, such a woman constantly vacillate between paranoic and depressive attitudes to pregnancy. Such an understanding of early disorders as a part of the concept of envy allows to draw out the role and psychosomatic mechanisms of many dysfunctions of woman’s reproductive system. Keywords: psychology, envy, identification, sterility, desire, child, feminity, maternity, destruction, hatred.
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