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Software systems and computational methods

Vashkevich N.P., Dubinin V.N. Questions of development of the operational semantics of IEC 61499 function blocks

Abstract: This paper identifies a problem of defining the formal semantics of function blocks (FB) under IEC 61499 standard and deve lops a conceptual ground for building a model for semantic of the functional blocks on the basis of abstract state machines. A for mal definition of a notation for representation of the operational semantics of FB is given along with the variants of the fun ctional and structural organization of the semantic models of FB systems. The described notation can be used to define the opera tional semantics of FB, functioning within the confines of the cyclic, sequential, synchro nous, and other models of execution.


Software, function block, IEC 61499 standard, operational semantics, abstract state machines, execution model, functional structural organization, distributed systems, formal notation

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