Software systems and computational methods
Korobeynikov A.G., Kuvshinov S.S., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V. (2012). The analysis of the stenographic algorithms' creation and operation principles. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 17–27. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61563
Korobeynikov A.G., Kuvshinov S.S., Blinov S.Yu., Leyman A.V. The analysis of the stenographic algorithms' creation and operation principles.
The article shows the main problems
solved by steganos algorithms in the
media space, reviews the main elements of
stegosystem. Author analyzes the basic proper
ties and gives the classification of di gital
watermark systems. The article inc lu des the
analysis of main directions of deve lopment
and functioning of modern ste ganos algorithms.
Steganos algorithms for graphics
containers are analyzed.
Software, graphic container, clas sification of digital watermarks stegosy stems, mediaspace, stegosystem, stegonos algo rithms of spatial area, stegonos algorithms of transformation domain, format met hods, digital watermark, digital images
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