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Software systems and computational methods
Trebukhin A.G. (2012). Intellectual system of automation circuits
designing. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 37–42.
Trebukhin A.G. Intellectual system of automation circuits designing.Abstract: In this article the author shows that the process of building a system of technological process automation requires creating a hie rar chy of interconnected dia grams: struc tural functional an electronic circuit dia gram wiring diagram. The author des cribes basic components of the intelligent CAD «Controlics». The article shows basic principles of a new method of automatic generation of functional circuits, based on a compact representation of a set of measuring and executive circuits in the form of trees of circuit solutions and the allocation of some branches of the tree into special templates from which to derive functional diagrams. The author presents an algorithm that allows to identify and to exclude from consideration the schemes that are technically unrealizable on the level of the electrical connections. A formulation of the problem of generalization of functional circuits structures based on rough sets theory and stages of its solution is given. As a result the author deÞ nes production rules, the application of which allows generation of control systems circuits in automatic mode. The article describes the methodology, software and technological features of the proposed method and functional features required for the implementation of the software. Keywords: Software, design, scheme, connection, chain, pattern, verification, generic, heuristics, products
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