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Philosophy and Culture
Maksimova, L. V. (2012). What are the Morals? The Problem of Definition. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 115–126.
Maksimova, L. V. What are the Morals? The Problem of DefinitionAbstract: The main cause of theoretical discussions and disputes about the origin and functions of morals is the difference in methodological and world perception principles forming the basis of ethical theories. Part of the problem is also the absence of generally accepted interpretation of the key term, morals. A common definition of the morals would allow to minimize the dissidences caused by terminology with multiple meanings. It would also allow to considerably narrow the scope of issues related to ethics. This article contains a critical analysis of approached to defining morals. The author underlines the following common errors: 1) confusion of the two functionally different use of the terms ‘morals’ – as a descriptive concept denoting a specific social and psychological phenomenon, and as an estimating term expressing some kind of a positive attitude to certain motives and behavior; 2) equation of morals and customs, therefore the variety of customs is interpreted as the variety of ‘morals’; 3) defining morals from the point of view of ‘higher values’ thus specific moral values are substituted by the others. Moreover, when giving the definition of morals, many researchers stress out the contents of moral principles and norms while the actually important indicator of its specific nature is the unique intention or ‘the must’. In those few cases when this intention is recognized as an essential feature of morals (for instance, in Kant’s works) when it is interpreted as a speculative ‘necessity’ deprived of the ‘desire material’ and any support in human psyche. The author of the article makes an assumption that the only way of existence of the moral intention is the feeling of moral duty as a special reality of individual and public consciousness which forms the common empire basis for theoretical (scientific and philosophical) interpretation and, consequently definition of the moral phenomenon and its special features. Keywords: philosophy, morals, ethics, definition, phenomenon, intention, intuition, value, reflection, the must.
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