Police activity
Proletenkova S. E. (2012). Peculiarities of Islamic fundamentalism and about the means to its counteraction. Police activity, 4, 66–69. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61513
Proletenkova S. E. Peculiarities of Islamic fundamentalism and about the means to its counteraction.
the article draws attention to importance and to the role of religious views in the republics of the
North Caucasus. The notion and essence of Islamic fundamentalism are described. Historical and political
experience of Russia proves that Islam serves not only as a national symbol, spiritual base, national and cultural
heritage of the people but the authorities, intellectual and political elite also use it as permission for their
own programs of political, legal and economic development of these republics for.
religious extremism, fundamentalism, Islam, the North Caucasus, Salafism, counteraction, liability.
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