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Police activity

Tregubova E.V. Institute of injunction in administrative law of Russia

Abstract: legal and especially legal administrative injunctions have been in the focus of interest of several generations of scientists and specialists. Legal injunctions provide law and order in many spheres of public administration and social activity. Administrative injunctions got thoroughly researched by the scientists of administrative law in the mid XIX beginning of the XX centuries. This subject was not studied in the soviet epoch, and there were a number of reasons for that of both objective and subjective character. Absence of strict administrative injunctions in the system of the soviet public service is related to the strict administrative regulation of economic and social relations. In this situation the social meaning of the administrative injunction in the system of public service was not so important. What caused an objective need in the development of administrative injunctions was the development of market relations, decentralization of public administration and appearance of the new forms of private property of the means of production.


injunction, regulation, right, Institute, principle, law, rule, industry, segment of industry, system, structure.

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