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Administrative and municipal law

Kalinin, G. I. Administrative Suspension of Activities for Violation of Veterinary Legislation in the Krasnodar Region and the Republic of Adygeya

Abstract: Administrative suspension of veterinary activities is initiated as the last resort measure applied when there have been many facts of quite important violations which can cause severe consequences such as the spread of epizooty. At the same time, a quite significant gap is that the assignment and the due date of administrative suspension of activities do not depend on the time of elimination of such violations and for the remission of punishment the judge does not need any opinion of the person who prepared the violation report. However, administrative suspension of activities is a very effective measure aimed both at supression and elimination of veterinary law violations. Therefore, the South Region will continue to use administrative suspension of veterinary activities before the epizooty situation gets normal.


suspension, punishment, veterinary, supervision, epizooty, violation, security, rules, orders.

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